Monday, November 23, 2009

To all our sponsors and contributors:

In June of 2009, the City of Elliot Lake became one of twenty-five ( 25 ) Communities across Canada to be awarded a “ Let them be Kids / Kool-Aid Helping Hand Award “. This award recognized the importance of celebrating the spirit of our Community and creating “ Free Play and Access for all.

We would like to take this opportunity to extend a sincere thank you from the City of Elliot Lake, Let Them Be Kids, Kool-Aid and most importantly the children of our community, for your contribution to the successful completion of three ( 3 ) new parks.

Through your financial contribution, we were able to provide “ Free Play and Access for All “. Efforts which will continue to help build our great City. Through becoming involved in the “ Let them be Kids “ initiative, you have continued the partnership whereby people from many sectors - business, community groups, government, etc - work together to create a vibrant place to live, work, and play.

The overwhelming response to this event has prompted the City of Elliot Lake Council, to look at hosting an annual event. As our award carries over for two ( 2 ) more years, we are hoping for another tremendous success !!

You’ll notice a drawing on the back of this letter. This art, created by a local child, depicts their vision of an ideal park. During the planning of this project a Dot Mocracy was held. Local children were given 4 votes to choose their favourite pieces of equipment. The most popular were used to design our new parks. Because of you, their visions are now reality.

We hope you will experience and enjoy the new parks. Take the time to listen to the laughter of our local children as they play on these new structures. They are fun, safe and best of all, built by a community that creates together.

We know that without Volunteers, our Community would not be what it is. We also know that without the continuous support of sponsors, Volunteer efforts would be much more difficult. Your generous consideration of assistance is greatly appreciated. We celebrate your contribution and thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Karen Makela Kirstan Noel
Director, Parks and Recreation Let Them Be Kids - Elliot Lake Coordinator

Build Day Video

We've just created a video with pictures from Build Day and both Dot Mocracies!  The song is "Proud" by Heather Small, which was provided to us by Let Them Be Kids.  Please enjoy!

Monday, October 26, 2009

What a hit!

It's been exactly one month since the Let Them Be Kids Build Day, and we here in Elliot Lake have been having a blast with our 3 new parks.

Every time we drive by, we can see kids enjoying the play structures and people of all ages getting fit at our outdoor fitness park!

Once again, thank you to all of our donors and volunteers, the great memories and activities would not be possible without your generosity and time.  You are truly the best!

It's getting cold out and soon they will be covered with snow...but we're intending on building more parks over the next couple years, so please stay tuned and we'll keep you updated with our plans to keep the ball rolling on free play and access for all!

Monday, September 28, 2009

What a day!

Wow....that word pretty much sums up the enitre day!  Each park started at 9 am, and what a wonderful group of volunteers at each site.

There was so much energy, it was an amazing feeling being a part of all that was going on.  We had young kids shoveling sand into wheelbarrows with their beach toys...young and old came together to build three wonderful community parks, which will be come centres of play, activity and friendship.  Each park is open to EVERYONE!

We would like to thank all the volunteers and donors.  Without you, none of this would have been possible.

Stay tuned for pictures from Saturday.

Thanks so much,

Let Them Be Kids - Elliot Lake

Friday, September 25, 2009



Thanks to all of our donors!

We are (very) pleased to announce that we reached our $25,000 goal!  In fact....


We are at $31,520.

Here's the really Kool(aid) part.  The 60/40 match from Let Them Be Kids is good for another TWO YEARS!  This means, that thanks to the Let Them Be Kids Helping Hand award, we will be using any surplus raised this year (and over the next two years) to build EVEN MORE PARKS in Elliot Lake!

Now that is deffinately KOOL(aid)! only a day away!

Tomorrow is the OFFICIAL build day and we here at the Elliot Lake site could not be more excited!

The itinerary has been posted (see post prior to this one)

IF you're working at Glenden Park, please park at the baseball diamond.  It's about a two minute walk, and there will be signs posted.  We'd hate to see any volunteers getting parking tickets for parking on Ottawa Avenue.

Don't forget our Community BBQ at 4:30 at Spruce Beach.  This bbq is an open invite, we'd like to see everyone from Elliot Lake there!  There will be bbq'ed fair, as well as cake, pop and water...all free of charge!

We're all really excited and hope you are too! 

See you tomorrow!